About Me
With over 9+ years of experience, Bhavesh Dhoka is an extremely skilled Registered Physiotherapist. Continuing education is his life mantra – and he continues to learn, and as well educate others whenever possible in the world of physiotherapy. After graduating from SPB Physiotherapy College in India in 2009, Bhavesh came to Ontario and became a licensed Physiotherapist in 2013.
He has finished his Certification in Fitness and Health promotion with Honors from Humber College in 2012 along with other continuing education courses in Acupuncture from APTEI, Dry Needling from Evidence in Motion, Maitland Manual Therapy, Muscle Energy Technique, Myofascial Release, STOTT Pilates, Taping Technique, Cupping and Instrument assisted release Technique, Active Release Technique, Advance Practice in Shoulder Rehabilitation, Vestibular Rehabilitation by Bernard Tonks & 360 neuro health, Concussion Rehabilitation by Shannon McGuire, GLA:D Program by GLA:D Canada and PEAK by University of Melbourne.
In his past 9 years of Clinical experience he has treated a wide variety of conditions, ranging from professional cricketer with a sports injury to post-operative patients in private practice dealing with orthopedic, concussion and vestibular conditions. Bhavesh is no stranger to adapting and learning about new ways to help connect with patients, going as far as to research into Telehealth, to continue assisting patients who are confined to their homes.
A skilled physiotherapist, clinic director, and overall hard worker, Bhavesh is more than happy to bring his award-winning skillset to help each of his unique patients.
Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy
Diploma Fitness and Health promotion, Fitness and Health Promotion
Continuing Education
Profile updated on: March 17, 2024
- Physiotherapist
Area of Focus
Referral Sources
Regulatory Bodies / Professional Associations
- Canadian Physiotherapy Association
- College of Physiotherapists of Ontario (View my license)
- Ontario Physiotherapy Association
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- Gujarati
- Punjabi
- Spanish
Client / Patient Age Range
- Adults (18-64)
- Pediatrics (0-2)
- Seniors (65+)
- Youth (2-18)
- Active Release Techniques / Therapy (ART)
- Acupuncture
- Amputee Rehabilitation
- Analgesic Modalities
- Assessment (Clinical Physiotherapy Examination)
- Assessment (Ergonomic)
- Assessment (Gait)
- Assessment (Musculoskeletal)
- Assessment and Development of a Treatment Plan
- Athletic Injury and Sports Therapy
- Bobath Treatment
- Bracing
- Certified Athletic Therapist
- Chiropractic Biomechanics of Posture
- Chiropractic Care
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Chronic injury management
- Cold Laser Therapy
- Cryotherapy (Cold Therapy)
- Cupping Therapy
- Custom Bracing/Custom Splinting
- Custom Orthotics
- Custom Splinting
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Develop, Maintain, Rehabilitate or Augment Function and Promote Mobility
- Development of Training Programs Designed to Improve Athletic Performance
- Dry Needling
- Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
- Electrical Nerve Stimulation (EMS) - Fractures
- Electro-Acupuncture
- Electronic Modalities US and Muscle Stim
- Electrotherapy
- Ergonomics and Workplace Safety
- Exercise Prescription
- Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT) Designation
- Full Spine Technique
- Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE) and Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
- Functional Movement Screens (FMS)
- Gait Training
- Graston Technique
- Graston
- Hand Therapy
- Hip Replacement
- Injury Assessment (Acute and Chronic)
- Injury Assessment
- Injury Management (Acute and Chronic)
- Injury Rehabilitation
- Interferential Current Therapy (IFC)
- Intramuscular Stimulation (GUNN IMS)
- Iontophoresis
- Joint Mobilization
- Laser Therapy
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Lymphedema Management
- Managing injuries to muscle, ligaments, tendons and bones
- Manual Therapy
- McKenzie Method
- Muscle Energy Techniques
- Muscle Stimulation
- Myofascial Release
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Neuro Rehab
- Neurodevelopment Treatment (NDT)
- Orthotics
- Osteoporosis Exercise Prescription
- Pelvic Stabilization
- Pilates
- Rehabilitation
- Return to Sports Training and Reconditioning
- Return-to-Play Decision Making
- Shockwave Therapy
- Soft Tissue Release
- Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilization
- Spinal Decompression Therapy
- Spinal Manipulation/Adjustment
- Sports Performance
- TENS Therapy
- TMJ (Intraoral Myofascial Release)
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
- Treatment both in the clinic and providing first aid on the sports field
- Treatments/Modalities
- Trigger Point Release
- Upper Cervical Techniques
- Utilization of techniques facilitating a safe return to participation
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Work Conditioning Programs
- Yoga Therapy
Type of Injuries
- ACL reconstruction (recovery)
- Abdominal
- Abnormal Tone Issues
- Achilles Tendon
- Acute/Chronic Physical Illness
- Amputation
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Ankle (Fracture)
- Ankle (Inversion Sprain)
- Ankle (Sprain/Strain)
- Ankle
- Anxiety
- Arm (Biceps or triceps tendonitis at the elbow)
- Arm (Biceps/Triceps)
- Arm (Forearm)
- Arthritis
- Back (Lower)
- Back (Mid)
- Back (Upper)
- Back Pain/Injury
- Bell's Palsy
- Bladder/Bowel
- Blocked Milk Ducts
- Brain Injury
- Bronchitis
- Burns
- Bursitis
- Cardio / Respiratory (Breathing/Heart)
- Cardiopulmonary conditions
- Cartilage injuries
- Cerebral Palsy
- Chondromalacia patella
- Chronic Conditions or Disease
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Pain
- Concussion/Head Trauma
- Congenital Syndromes
- Cramps
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Degenerative joint disease (DJD)
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Disability Due to Heart Problems
- Disk herniation
- Dislocations and subluxations
- Dizziness and Balance
- Down syndrome
- Dystonia
- Elbow (Golfers’)
- Elbow (Tennis)
- Elbow
- Emphysema
- Falls
- Fascial restrictions.
- Fibromyalgia
- Foot (Mortons Neuroma)
- Foot (Plantar Fasciitis)
- Foot and ankle injuries
- Foot/Ankle Injury
- Fractures
- Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
- Gout
- Guillain Barré Syndrome
- Hand (Boutonniere)
- Hand (Extensor tendon)
- Hand (Finger dislocation)
- Hand (Finger pulley)
- Hand (Finger sprain)
- Hand (Flexor tendon)
- Hand (Mallet finger)
- Hand (Nerve)
- Hand (Skier's thumb)
- Hand (Thumb extensor tendon (EPL) rupture)
- Hand
- Headache / Migraine
- Headaches
- Heel spur tendinitis
- Hip
- Hypotonia
- IT Band syndrome
- Immune System
- Incontinence
- Inguinal
- Jaw
- Joint Pain/Injury
- Joint replacement
- Knee (Cartilage)
- Knee (Meniscal Tear)
- Knee
- Learning Disabilities
- Leg (Lower)
- Leg (Upper)
- Ligament Injury
- Ligament injury and instability
- Ligament tear
- Lung Problems (Asthma)
- Mental Health
- Morton's neuroma
- Motor Development Delay
- Motor vehicle accident
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Muscle Pain/Injury
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle strains, tears, and avulsions
- Nasal
- Neck
- Nerve Impingements/Entrapments
- Neurological conditions
- Neurological
- Neuromuscular pathologies
- Obesity
- Oncology (Cancer)
- Orthopedic Conditions
- Osgood-Schlatter disease
- Osteoporosis
- Paralysis
- Parkinson's Disease
- Patello-femoral syndrome
- Pediatric and Adult Neurological Conditions
- Pelvic
- Physical Pain
- Pneumonia
- Poor balance
- Post COVID-19
- Post-Concussive Syndrome
- Post-Natal
- Post-Surgery
- Post-surgical rehabilitation
- Postural dysfunction
- Postural strain
- Posture and movement issues
- Pre-Natal
- Pre-surgical rehabilitation
- Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
- Recovery from Arthroscopic surgery
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Rotator Cuff Tears
- Rotator cuff/shoulder injury
- Runner's knee
- Running injuries
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Shin splints
- Shoulder dislocations
- Shoulder subluxation
- Shoulder
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Soft Tissue
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Spinal injuries
- Sports injuries
- Sprain/Strain
- Sprains
- Strains
- Stress fracture
- Stroke
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Tailbone
- Temporomandibular joint disorder
- Tendonitis and overuse injuries
- Tennis elbow
- Torticollis
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Vertigo
- Vestibular Conditions
- Whiplash
- Workplace related injuries
- Wounds and scars
- Wrist (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
- Wrist
- elevated blood glucose
- high blood cholesterol