Motor Vehicle Insurance Coverage in Canada

In Canada you are required by law to have car Insurance if you own and drive a vehicle. Each province operates their car insurance system differently and the process of accessing your benefits varies also.
Some provinces allow private insurance companies to operate and others like BC and Quebec have public funded insurance.   If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident it is not only good to be aware of your coverage options but which health professional can help you. 
Finding the right health professional after an accident is important. There are only certain clinics that work with clients who have been injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident. Let's help you find one. 
We have created a list of FAQ's to help you better understand insurance basics. 

Third-party liability coverage is a legal requirement in Canada that every driver must have when operating their vehicle. This type of insurance pays for various costs you might incur if there's an accident deemed to be your fault. These costs include: 

  •  The costs for repairing other vehicles damaged in an accident
  • If anyone has been injured, this covers medical costs 
  • Death benefits or a disability income for anyone you have injured
  • Legal fees and lawsuits that result from the accident
  • The damages awarded to drivers and passengers in court
  • The prices of repairing any property you've damaged in a collision

If you want to get your vehicle on the road in most provinces, then it's important that at least $200K worth of third-party liability coverage is available. The exception lies with Quebec where a minimum requirement only stands up as 50k Canadian dollars.

When you purchase liability insurance, the company will pay up to $10K for property damage. You can also get coverage that goes beyond that amount and includes amounts of damages ($1-$5M) depending on what level of coverage is desired - just be aware that any increase in coverage will reflect a change to your premiums!

To get your vehicle on the road in most provinces, at least $200K worth of third-party liability coverage must be available. The exception lies in Quebec, where there is a minimum of 50k.

When you purchase liability insurance, the company will pay up to $10K for property damage. You can also get coverage beyond that amount and includes damage amounts of  ($1-$5M) depending on what level of coverage you want - be aware that any increase in range will reflect a change to your premiums!

In Canada in order to legally drive a vehicle you will need to purchase a basic car insurance policy. Accident benefits coverage, third-party liability, and uninsured motorist protection are required in every province. In Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces direct compensation for property damage is required. 

The cost of car insurance drastically varies per province and per city. There are many factors that are taken into consideration by the insurance company when they set your rates. Our research has demonstrated that the average cost of car insurance is between $1300 and $1800 per year. 

Yes, but they must have a drivers license be legally allowed to drive in the province or territory. If they drive your car regularly you may want to consider adding them to your insurance policy as an occasional driver. Check with your insurance company for more details. 

1. Third-party liability: This type of insurance coverage is mandatory in Canada.  It covers you, the driver if you're in an accident and are at fault. It will help pay for the medical bills of other drivers and any damage to their vehicles from collisions that happen because they were driving your car or truck. 

2. Comprehensive: Sometimes called "bad luck" insurance or other than collision insurance because it covers unfortunate events that could happen to your car - things like:

  • Theft or attempted theft
  • Fire or explosions
  • Vandalism or civil disobedience, such as a riot
  • Falling objects (like tree branches)
  • Flying objects (like rocks or gravel)
  • Weather and natural disasters (floods or lightning from thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes)
  • Hail
  • Earthquakes

Comprehensive insurance is a must-have for any car owner. You can purchase this option without having collision coverage, but they're generally offered as part of an entire package because the two provide maximum protection!

3.  Collision: If you're involved in a car accident, and your vehicle is damaged, this coverage will pay for the maintenance or repairs needed to get it running again. It can also pay to replace your vehicle if it has been certified by an insurance appraiser to be deemed a write-off.

 If you lease or finance your vehicle, then chances are good that both comprehensive and collision insurance will be required.

If you're financing or leasing your vehicle, these companies will require proof of insurance. This is because their financial interests are at risk when something happens to the car, and they want to be protected by having the right coverage for any damages incurred!


Like collision, you'll have to pay upfront for your deductible. You can choose what price points the insurance company offers (usually $300, $500 or $1000).

If you're leasing or financing your car, it's essential to know the deductible on the contract that will be required. Make sure this is clear before signing anything!



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